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How To Say Sorry | Best Way To Apology

    how to say sorry

    Why Should Apologize

    There will hardly be any person in this world who has not made any mistake in his life. We all make mistakes. Sometimes we make mistakes inadvertently for which either we or someone else has to suffer a great loss. But no one can stop inadvertent mistake, because you have no control over it. That’s why everyone should know how to say sorry. How many people are there in this world, who realize their mistake & feel sorry for that? And if you want to rectify it, then Ask for forgiveness for the mistake, and then correct it. A lot of people do not easily forgive, because they have suffered a lot for your mistake. Secondly, some people do not even apologize properly. They just do formality. 

    Until you apologize, another person will not be able to tell you the whole thing. When you ask someone for forgiveness, both get an opportunity to fulfill their point of view. All the grief inside will come out. When both the talks are complete, then you will be able to consider it further.

    The most important thing is that you have to understand the true meaning of an apology. Before you apologize, you should realize that the mistakes you have made are really harmful to others. That’s why when you ask for forgiveness, ask from the heart and try to convey to them that you are very sorry for it, not just for formality. 

    How to say sorry by face to face, or by phone, or by resolving the problem they encountered.

    Simple Life

    You can ask for forgiveness in different ways:

    Face To Face

    how to say sorry

    Face to face apology considers as the best way, how to say sorry to someone. This will give you an opportunity to say your whole thing. There will be many things in their mind about your mistake. You can flush all their doubts. You will get a full chance to convey your words.

    You will get the opportunity to show that you are very embarrassed about your mistake. You will get an opportunity to know that the person has forgiven you or is still angry.

    Since many people, if they do not get forgiveness for their mistake, they repent of it for a very long time. But when you say your point well, the person will understand and can forgive you. For this, it is very important that you go to the front, have a face to face discussion and apologize so that all doubts will be cleared.


    No Fax, No Email

    how to say sorry

    Sometimes it may happen that the person, we want to ask for forgiveness, is very far from us. Maybe the person has gone abroad; maybe the person has moved somewhere far away.

    In such a situation, you will not be able to do face to face discussion and ask for forgiveness. But this does not mean that you send a simple fax or send an email. Try to call the person as much as possible. Try talking to the person on the phone, because when you talk to each other, both will get an opportunity to discuss the whole thing and all the doubts will be cleared.

    But the same thing if you try through email, you will not be able to keep your whole thing and misunderstanding of that person will not be completely reduced. So keep this option at the end when you do not get any chance to talk.


    Find The Solution

    how to say sorry

    Sometimes you have an opportunity, where you can rectify your mistake. If you can do this, then this is a very good option to apologize. Because the person who can rectify his/her mistake gets the apology very quickly.

    In such a situation you will not regret for a long time, because even if you accidentally did some mistake, you have the option to recover it. It will also make that person happy because he will know that you realized your mistake completely, perhaps that is why you want to fix it. You will not even feel guilty at all. That’s why if you can rectify your mistake, then definitely go for it.


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